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Your Guide to Female Urination Devices For Hiking

Female Hiker Looking over Canyons

Your Guide to Female Urination Devices For Hiking

As a woman who often backpacks with male companions, something I’ve always been jealous of is their ability to pee with ease. They don’t have to worry about finding cover, exposing their behind, or even taking off their packs. Not to mention how many more butt cheek mosquito bites I come home with than they do! Peeing in the woods is an unavoidable inconvenience for ladies…. That is, until they discover female urination devices for hiking.

Being able to answer nature’s call with ease while on a hike is a game changer. While using one of these devices can come with a learning curve (and a bit of courage on your first try), it limits how much of a chore it is for women to pee in the backcountry.

Below is your guide to female urination devices for hiking. Fair warning, there is a fair amount of detail around peeing up ahead!

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What Are Female Urination Devices for Hiking?

Female urination devices, or FUDs, are… well, I won’t sugar coat it here, they’re pee funnels. They are small devices that help women pee standing up.

FUDs vary in shape, style, and material but they all serve the same purpose – allowing you to answer nature’s call without removing as much clothing and gear. They grant you freedom from the usual squat procedure you have likely grown quite accustomed to. Instead, you can pee more quickly and more discreetly.

How to Use Female Urination Devices

The dirty details of how to use a FUD effectively can vary slightly based on the model you select. However, the general process looks a bit like this:

  1. Unzip your pants or shorts
  2. Move your underwear out of the way
  3. Position the FUD, taking care to have a tight seal and full coverage
  4. Pee while maintaining control over the flow as to not overflow the device
  5. Rinse device after use

How to Store FUDs

Be sure to read the brand guidelines on how to clean and store the specific FUD you select. Some styles and materials may require extra care.

Most female urination devices for hiking can be rinsed with water after each use in the backcountry, then stored in a plastic bag or storage pouch. From there, you can stash it in a convenient pocket on your backpack or day bag where it is easy to access when you need it.

Many women prefer the FUDs that come with it’s own storage pouch because it is far more discreet than a plastic bag. But don’t sweat it if your favorite FUD doesn’t come with one. You can find a patterned reusable plastic bag like this one that will disguise your device a bit more effectively.

3 Qualities to Focus On When Buying a Female Urination Device for Hiking

  1. Cleanliness – It may seem like backpacking and camping is a dirty activity, but hygiene can be really important for backpackers. Make sure you find a model that is easy to clean. You want to be able to wash it consistently whether you’re on the trail or at home.
  2. Weight and BulkWeight is always key for backpacking. Some FUDs are lighter and easier to pack than others. Hard plastic funnels will take up more space, but are more durable and you don’t risk it bending while you use it. Soft plastic can be folded to fit a more compact storage container. However, the bendability means a shift in grip causes a leak or splash. Something will have to give, prioritize what is most important to you.
  3. Comfort and Usability – The whole reason you are getting this thing is to be able to pee comfortably and conveniently. If a device is hard to use, why bother using it at all? The size, shape, and material all play a role in comfort, and what is comfortable to you might not be comfortable to another lady. So try a variety until you find the perfect device for you!

Tips for Using a FUD

  • Clean it after every use – After every pee, rinse your female urination device with water. Then after every trip, give it a good wash at home. FUDs are designed to shed urine and a rinse with water is sufficient in the backcountry, but a good soap up gives you peace of mind that it’s actually clean.
  • Practice at home first – Whether you are using an FUD for the first time or you are just trying out a new model, don’t do your trial run on the trail. It can get messy. Instead, try it out at home. A shower is a great place to practice!
  • Don’t give up after your first try – This is a very personal and individual product. What works for one lady might not work for others. Don’t let your experience with one FUD discourage you from trying a different one. I tried 3 before I found the right fit!

Top Brands for Female Urination Devices


Pibella Female Urination Device

  • Weight: .5 Ounces
  • Material: Hard Plastic
  • Shape: Narrow, Tubelike

The Pibella is excellent for ultralight backpackers who are looking for something as light and as small as possible. Someone who is new to a FUD, however, might feel pretty intimidated by just how small it is. The design is really more of a straw than a funnel, so it requires a bit of confidence going into it.

Due to the small size, it requires a small level of minor insertion. It covers only the urethra, unlike other designs that have much wider coverage. This means you have more room for error and leakage with this design.

Once you get the positioning down, it really is a great tool. It’s made of hard plastic and is sturdy, so it’s built to last. The dimensions are around 1.5” by 7.2”, so it doesn’t take up a lot of space in your pack and it comes with a discreet carrying case.

Find it here!


pStyle Female Urination Device

  • Weight: .8 Ounces
  • Material: Hard Plastic
  • Shape: Bowl-like, Short

PStyle has one of the more unique shapes on the market. Rather than the typical funnel design, this FUD has more of a spout shape it it. This makes it easy to maneuver into your clothing and gives you a bit more room for error in placement.

It is made from sturdy polypropylene, meaning it will maintain it’s shape so a change in your grip won’t lead to any bending or leaks. The rigid edges are also great for wiping away the last drops when you are finished.

A benefit of this hard plastic design is that it is easier to rinse and dry. However, it also means this FUD is a bit bulkier and harder to pack. You can’t bend or fold it to reduce its size.

Find it here!

Tinkle Belle

Thinkle Belle Female Urination Device

  • Weight: 1.8 Ounces
  • Material: Hard and Soft Plastic
  • Shape: Bowl-like with a long spout

If you like the shape of the Pstyle but would like a bit more control over your aim, the Tinkle Belle might be the right fit for you. It combines soft and hard plastic for a superior peeing experience. The spout is soft but the body has a hard shell. This means you can fold down the soft parts to make it easier to carry, but you don’t risk the cup bending and causing spills.

The design is narrow, which makes it easier to place under your clothing. The squeegee ridge on the back edge offers an alternative to wiping, so you can reduce your toilet paper use as well! Just get yourself a backpacking bidet and you might not need TP at all!

Additional features include a carrying pouch with carabiner, antimicrobial properties, and a 3.5 inch spout. The only downside to this device is it’s weight. It is on the heavy side at around 1.8oz.

Find it here!


SheWee Female Urination Device

  • Weight: 2.5 Ounces
  • Material: Hard Plastic
  • Shape: Narrow Funnel with Long Removable Spout

The SheWee is fun to say and simple to use. We love the design that allows you to deconstruct it so it fits into a compact 19 cm by 6cm matching carrying case. The case is really discreete and the whole system comes in a variety of fun colors. 

The top portion of the funnel is a bit narrow and small. This requires you to have accurate placement and good flow control if you want to keep your pants dry.

In fact, you might find yourself pausing your stream a few times to allow the funnel to empty a bit. Personally, it’s not my favorite for this reason, I want to be worry-free as I empty my bladder. For some women, however, it works like a charm. Regardless, this is the heaviest FUD on our list, so keep this in mind if backpack weight is a concern.

Find it here!


SaniGirl Disposable Female Urination Device


  • Material: Cardboard
  • Shape: Short, Stout Funnel

Disposable female urination devices for hiking are great if you feel gross about using the same device for years. While the SaniGirls are disposable, they can hold up for far more than just one use. They are made of treated cardboard, so they dry quickly after use so you can use it again and again, then toss it after your trip.

These are fantastic because of how lightweight and small they are. You can carry them in your purse or in a large wallet. Why not bring them to festivals or bars that have questionable backrooms?

The shape and size is great for aiming and containing a steady stream. However, I do find the plastic FUDs a bit more comfortable, both physically and mentally. While the cardboard is very sturdy and trustworthy, I just feel more secure with a plastic device.

Find them here!


Freshette Female Urination Device

  • Weight: 1.2 Ounces
  • Material: Hard Plastic
  • Shape: True Funnel and Tube

At first glance, a freshette looks a bit like a funnel device you would use for a car or as a beer bong. It comes with a long,removable tube that attaches to a sturdy funnel top. The broad top makes it easy to relieve yourself without stressing about missing or overflowing. The long tube is great for having more accurate aim.

The downside to the long spout is that it is hard to clean and dry. It is also more bulky and difficult to pack. However, lots of women appreciate the security and coverage the Freshette’s larger design provides.

Find it here!


GoGirl Female Urinal

  • Weight: 2 Ounces
  • Material: Soft Plastic
  • Shape: Funnel

It’s hard to leave the GoGirl off the list with how popular it has become! You can find them just about anywhere, from gas stations to drug stores. However, we do think this has a bit more to do with marketing than it being a superior product.

We find the GoGirl is a bit hard to aim and difficult to clean. The flexible silicone is great for packing the device into the small, chapstick like tube that it comes with, but puts you at greater risk of bends and leaks. The funnel is also a bit small, so it is easy to overflow if you don’t have good control of your stream.

However, the GoGirl isn’t all bad. The flexible plastic and wide top makes it especially comfortable to use. It is soft against your skin and provides a lot of coverage.

Find it here!

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